
Google Maps to Auto-Delete Your Location History Soon: Here’s How to Save Your Data

Google is making a significant change to its Google Maps location history feature, aiming to enhance user privacy. Starting December 8, the company will automatically delete any location history data older than three months from users’ accounts, shifting data storage to your device instead of the cloud.

Google Maps
Google Maps

What Does This Mean for You?

If you frequently use Google Maps’ Timeline feature to revisit past trips, track commutes, or recall favorite places, you’ll need to act before December 8. After that date, any location data older than three months that hasn’t been downloaded will be permanently erased.

How to Save Your Location History

If you want to keep a record of your travels, here’s a quick guide to download your location history:

  1. Visit My Activity: Go to your Google Account’s Activity controls page at https://myactivity.google.com/.
  2. Select Location History: From the options, choose “Location History.”
  3. Manage Your Data: Click on “Manage Location History.”
  4. Create an Archive: Choose “Create archive” and select the date range of data you want to save.
  5. Download the Archive: Google will create an archive file of your location history, which you can then download to your device for safe keeping.

Additional Notes

This update is part of Google’s effort to enhance privacy, storing only recent location data (up to three months) on your device. If Timeline is enabled, Google Maps will continue collecting your location data, but it will only keep records from the last three months.

This shift means users retain control of their data and can access their location history on their own devices, fostering privacy without losing the convenience of location tracking for recent travels.

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